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Beginner’s Creating Tips Please

244 MossyTree  3.8 years ago

Hello! I doubt any of you have seen my posts, as I am a new creator. I am not a very good creator, I am aware of that. I do want to be a good creator, though. I just want some tips and pointers on building planes. I don’t need a detailed paragraph of what I can do wrong and right, just some pointers. All feedback will be greatly appreciate, and I am grateful that you even bothered to check this out.

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    244 MossyTree

    I know this is extremely early for a forum’s post, but I really do need some pointers with building.

    Pinned 3.8 years ago
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    244 MossyTree

    @Heavy_Mause Thank you! I use funky trees in all my builds, and it is a very useful tool. I will also make sure to check out mikoyanster’s building series. Thank you again!

    3.8 years ago
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    244 MossyTree

    @XP Thanks! I am also moving to a computer today, so I can now use screenshots of in flight action. I will also try to make more complex shapes.

    3.8 years ago
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    29.6k TriStar

    Hello newbie
    I suggest you use curved and sometimes complex shapes
    They will increase upvote count and it also looks cool

    3.8 years ago
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    244 MossyTree

    @BagelPlane thank you very much. I am not very good with fuselage, but I do really like XML and all of my planes have been made possible with XML.

    3.8 years ago
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    23.7k BagelPlane

    Learn fuselage blocks and paneling. Learning this early on will have great building benefits. XML is your friend. Use it.

    +4 3.8 years ago