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CVN Maywar Class

7,775 Karzigg  5.5 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Jim1the1Squid's MY BIRTHDAY SHIP!!! The USS Santo Domingo (EXP-1)

This is are latest light cruiser it’s fast but it has a tiny armament and armor


In 2246 the need for a new Cruiser was needed so CV called its ship design team and they came up with this the Maywar Class it is a light cruiser but also a destroyer flotilla leader but is used as mostly a light cruiser and it was considered to be a destroyer by some but CV uses it as a cruiser and of the 45 planned 42 were completed and 3 were scrapped it came into service in 2250 it saw service at Maywar Krakabloa the Siege of Wright and the Great Conflict and the South American War (or war over the jungle)

Cost per unit

46 Million:USD


2 6inch turrets
Armor - 7inch’s
Crew - 430
Top speed - 32 knots

Ships in class

Maywar (CC 140) scuttled after Scouting in the Great Conflict
Wright (CC 141) sunk during scouting in the Great Conflict
Isles (CC 142)
Dune (CC 143)
Fort (CC 144)
Guardian (CC 145)
Strong (CC 146) sunk in the War for Liberty
Morty (CC 147)
Gunner (CC 148) sunk after flooding
Branch (CC 149) sunk after colliding with the Helios
Stone (CC 150)
Caliber (CC 151)
Nero (CC 152)
Papyrus (CC 153)
Sans (CC 154)
Dragoon (CC 155)
Perilous (CC 156)
Fortune (CC 157) sunk in the War for Liberty
Might (CC 158)
Fodder (CC 159) sunk in the Great Conflict
Rick (CC 160)
Herald (CC 161)
Dragonborn (CC 162)

Exported ships

Marian (AC 163)
Dormant (AC 164) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Vex (AC 165)
Amazon (AC 166) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Keys (AC 167)
Riot (AC 168) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Wicked (AC 169)
Great (AC 170) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Firstly (AC 171) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Necropolis (AC 172)
Keep (AC 173) sunk in the War over the Jungle
Karma (AC 174)
Naval (AC 175)
Brazil (AC 176)
Genuine (AC 177)
Blocked (AC 178) converted into a destroyer sunk 6 days later
Reef (AC 179)
Predator (AC 180)

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.716
  • Wing Loading 199,895.2lbs/ft2 (975,974.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.2ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 7373


  • Number of Parts 122
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 365
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    7,775 Karzigg

    Check the ships in this class @Jim1the1Squid

    5.5 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    Thx @Feanor um if you want ideas I can give you some

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    If you want I can release some subassemblys so can use them @Jim1the1Squid

    5.5 years ago
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    4th upvote.

    5.5 years ago
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    As said with the other ship, an outstanding job @CptJacobson

    5.5 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    @EchoWhiskey11 @MAHADI @Thefrenchdude21 @Gameboy21 @Treadmill2003 @Gestour @Homemade

    I need 38 badass names for this class since theirs 40nof em

    +1 5.5 years ago