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InstaMint [M-WAR]

8,311 TTL  2 months ago
Auto Credit Based on TTL's Mint

How to entertain a whole military.

    Introducing InstaMint, the gum that packs a powerful surprise. At first glance, its just a refreshing mint-flavored treat, but beneath its innocent exterior lies a hidden explosive twist.
Crafted for deception, InstaMint is the ultimate tool for outsmarting adversaries. Simply offer it to your enemies as a gesture of goodwill, and watch as they unsuspectingly chew away their fate. With InstaMint, victory is just a breath away. But remember, handle with caution—the element of surprise is your greatest ally.

History of InstaMint

During World War II, as the Axis powers tightened their grip on Europe and the Allies searched for innovative ways to gain the upper hand, a group of Allied intelligence officers and scientists conceived a daring plan to turn an everyday item into a formidable weapon against the Axis forces.
In the midst of their brainstorming sessions, they stumbled upon the idea of using chewing gum—a common commodity among soldiers—as a means of sabotage. Recognizing the need for discretion and surprise, they envisioned a gum infused with a potent explosive compound, designed to detonate with devastating effect.
Thus, "InstaMint" was born.The development of InstaMint was carried out in utmost secrecy, with scientists working tirelessly to perfect its formula. They carefully calibrated the explosive payload to ensure maximum impact while maintaining the gum's outward appearance and taste.
As the war raged on, Allied operatives deployed InstaMint behind enemy lines, distributing it among Axis soldiers as seemingly innocent gifts or tokens of goodwill. Little did the unsuspecting recipients know that they were unwittingly carrying a ticking time bomb in their mouths.
The strategic use of InstaMint proved to be a game-changer in the fight against the Axis powers. Its covert nature allowed Allied forces to sabotage enemy infrastructure, disrupt supply lines, and sow chaos within enemy ranks without arousing suspicion.
Though the true extent of InstaMint's impact remains shrouded in secrecy, its legacy as a weapon of deception and surprise during one of history's darkest chapters endures, serving as a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of those who fought for freedom and justice.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Mint
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 8.2ft (2.5m)
  • Length 8.2ft (2.5m)
  • Height 12.8ft (3.9m)
  • Empty Weight 1,273lbs (577kg)
  • Loaded Weight 1,273lbs (577kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4873


  • Number of Parts 33
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 114
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    8,311 TTL

    how to turn on
    idk how
    Press AG1 on your preferred activation controller.
    but how?
    1. Open glass with hammer
    2. Apply 60mg of sodium to a lithium battery water mix inside a cup.
    3. Pour compound into machine’s top right hole.
    4. Cover hole
    5. Wait for reaction to finish and pour liquidated radium into hole.
    6. Press button and start running.
    7. Once you are 2,500,000,000,000,000,000.0625 miles away, activate autopilot and sit in your SSUN Space ship.
    By the time you have done this, you have evaded the space and earth police. Make sure to keep going south of your planet.

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    8,311 TTL


    Pinned 2 months ago
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    53.4k Monarchii

    @TTL the lithium hits kinda a bit near because uhh... kekr

    +1 2 months ago
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    8,311 TTL

    chatgpt lookin ah essay

    2 months ago