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Shanghai drone

7,489 GabrielSatori  11 months ago

"Wait... if Shanghai looks like this... then what does Alice's plane looks like now?"
"No idea, barely anyone could see her plane."
-Marisa and Reimu when encountered Shanghai drone-

Shanghai, Alice Margatroid's main doll, who always appears by her side.

All Alice Margatroid's dolls in the Touhou Jet universe have a special ability: normally, their appearance is a small doll, but when needed, they can transform into combat drones. Almost all of her dolls transform into the same type of drone (flying wing drone), except for two, these are Shanghai and Hourai, Alice's two special and precious dolls. They both are advanced dolls, unlike others which are soulless and under Alice's control, Shanghai and Hourai are like living creatures, they have their own mind, they can fight on their own and even control other dolls/drones for their master. Shanghai's taken the form of a stealth supersonic drone with arrow wings and canards. During the event Subterranean Animism, Alice sent Shanghai to go support and investigate the incident with Marisa and Reimu, however Shanghai followed Marisa only. Shanghai is the 3rd aircraft in the Subterranean Animism pack.

Character's wiki

Aircraft's information:
.Manufacturer: Alice Margatroid
.Role(s): fighter
.Top speed: Mach 2+
-1x danmaku gun
-8x AAM-4:
+Min range: 1km
+Max range: 20km
+Infrared homing
.Special feature(s):
-Afterburner at full throttle
-Supersonic mode above 990km/h


That's everything, have a nice flight!

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 39.3ft (12.0m)
  • Length 51.7ft (15.8m)
  • Height 12.8ft (3.9m)
  • Empty Weight 13,286lbs (6,026kg)
  • Loaded Weight 16,585lbs (7,522kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 7.113
  • Wing Loading 37.1lbs/ft2 (181.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 446.7ft2 (41.5m2)
  • Drag Points 1228


  • Number of Parts 184
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 1,077