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Bretagne class Dreadnought

13.5k MentallyDistorted  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on BMilan's Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED]


Bretagne were the first super dreadnought built for the french navy during World War 1. Bretagne class were an improvement of previous Courbet class, and mounted with 340mm/13.4 inch Guns. Bretagne class saw limited service during WW1, primarily in the Adriatic Sea. After the war, they conducted training cruises around the mediterranean and participated in non-intervention patrols off spain during Spanish Civil War. Bretagne also participated during WW2, during the attack on Mers-el-Kébir, June 1940. Later bretagne sunk by the Royal Navy.

This craft has been fitted with instruction in game, please read it.

During Building Time



General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED]
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 92.2ft (28.1m)
  • Length 558.6ft (170.3m)
  • Height 164.7ft (50.2m)
  • Empty Weight 82,932lbs (37,617kg)
  • Loaded Weight 104,075lbs (47,208kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.113
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.03
  • Wing Loading 7.9lbs/ft2 (38.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 13,187.1ft2 (1,225.1m2)
  • Drag Points 407032


  • Number of Parts 1692
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 5,715
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    This is one beautiful ship :D

    5 months ago
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    51.2k BMilan

    Official evaluation

    - First Impression (5/5):

    Upon first look, the ship appears to be a very faithful representation of Bretagne in her post-refit form, with an awesome balance of details and part count. What immediately struk me after spawning in is the funnel smoke and the flags, very nice details.

    - Design/Accuracy (15/15):

    The builds seems to very accurately reflect Bretagne in her later years, including such hardly noticeable but important details as her aft 4 casemate guns being removed following a modernization (I did find some sources claiming the forwardmost 4 was removed too but even wikipedia only mentions the aft 4 so I'll take it).
    Overall, the ship looks great and as far as I can tell, very accurate to the original.

    - Details (12/15):

    The ship's deatiling is minimalistic in some places but most of the major details are there albeit simplified a bit. I feel like part count could have allowed the addition of railings which would have increased her score but I'm guessing the builder's device had reached its limits.
    The addition of flags on the bow and stern of the ship (which even wave although only at their bases) is a nice touch as well. Things like AA guns, searchlights, lifeboats and so on all have this nice minimalistic approach where they are not too detailed but convey the look and feel of the real thing.
    The usage of rockets for funnel smoke is an amazing detail and very well executed
    The addition of a range clock is also nice, too bad it's not functional.
    Unfortunately, some detail parts are not properly attached ans fall off upon spawning which is such a shame.

    - Features (11/20):

    The builds allows the use of every type of weaponry onboard including the main and secondary guns, and the AA weaponry, the latter being auto-aimed (although not all AA guns are usable, some are just decorations). The main and secondary cannons are also synced up which is a nice feature.
    The ship uses hidden propellers and a jet engine for propulsion and steering and it is made in a way to be mostly immersive although it is possible to steer the ship even when it's stopped.
    Starting in reverse is also kind of strange but not a big problem.
    The starting/out of limit position of the secindaries is also not too nice as they literally just clip into the ship.

    - Build Quality (6/10):

    The build uses slicing to some extent however, I feel like it could have been used even more at many placed where currently it is slighty wasteful with parts (e.g. making each rigging cable a part on its own instead of making two at once with sliced fuselage)
    The un-attached parts are also somewhat disappointing.
    The secondaries could have been solved to not clip into the ship by default but instead were left like that.

    - Performance (14/20):

    Although a bit bouncy (especially at the beginning after spawn), the ship works mostly well with the ocean mod. I could not reach the ship's actual max speed but was only very slightly short of it so I'm willing to accpet it as accurate.
    Steering is quite nice, not actual rudder based but replicates the effect fairly well which is a nice feat.
    The weapons are quite easy to use although the main guns turn way too quickly and some actual aiming system would have been nice.

    - Description and Information (7/15):

    The description is a bit barebones. There is a brief history part which is great, then there are two screenshots and that is it. The controls are included in the in-game instructions but I feel like they could have been added to the description too. There could have been a few more screenshots as well.

    Additional Points (-0, +2):

    +2 for the funnel smoke

    Total: 72

    10 months ago
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    0/10 doesnt psm

    one year ago
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    @PapaKernels try 1280 x 768 if you're confident with your laptop performance

    +1 one year ago
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    55.6k PapaKernels

    @MentallyDistorted 😂, damn. Idk what my laptop will be able to run. Have to find that out eventually i guess.

    one year ago
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    @PapaKernels for real i need to change my resolution to 1024 x 768 just to add bit more details lmao

    +1 one year ago
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    @DeezDucks sorry for late reply, but thanks!

    one year ago
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    39.0k DTMF

    Gacor Kang

    one year ago
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    55.6k PapaKernels

    Damn i wish i could have run this many parts. My dinky little ship could maybe have competed. Ship looks awesome!

    +1 one year ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    @MentallyDistorted Done

    one year ago
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    @DeezDucks sorry to ping you, but can you make this post as successor to BMilan's Dreadnought Challenge? (

    one year ago