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[PEA] Dassault Rafale

30.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  16 days ago

Part Efficient Aircrafts!

The power of the French Air Force! Fear the canard-wingin', victory singin', battle winnin', baguette slingin' Dassault Rafale!

On a more serious note...

Meet the French Rafale! Nope, not even the Burst of Fire could escape PEA-ification. Don't mess with it, or your flight could end with a bullet, missile, baguette, or all three in that order lodged in your aircraft.

However, the Rafale's strength comes at the cost of takeoff-landing quality... Proceed to flight tutorial below.


Of course Flight Controls:
-Throttle acts as normal
-Same for yaw
-Pitch is normal too
-And no changes with roll either
-However, the Rafale has no flaps
Here's a little visual graph for the tutorial (armaments and features)

-1x GIAT 30 gun (red on the graph): The Rafale features a gun under the fuselage, the GIAT 30 to be exact (it's real, look it up if you don't believe me). Between fast fire rate and powerful damage stat, is INCREDIBLY dangerous, and can take out almost any PEA or PEV in just one good hit, with the only possible exception being the plot-armored Boeings, the B-29 and P-29.
-3x Free Hardpoints (dark blue on the graph): This Rafale comes with three Pylons which are unoccupied. For the sake of PEA eligibility, they're unarmed, but you can add whatever custom payload you wish, such as bombs, drop tanks, or missiles. They can drop their given payload via Activation Group 3.
-2x Occupied Hardpoints (yellow on the graph): Basically the same as the free hardpoints, but the occupied hardpoints both have a Meteor missile, which equates to a grand total of 2 Meteor missiles (no way!) Jokes aside, the Meteors aren't to be left unchecked, or else they can really pack a punch. And by "punch," I mean a massive explosion capable of wiping your plane off the face of the sky.
-4x Wing Lights, 2x Formation Lights (light blue/cyan on the graph): Nothing much, just some lights. Press Activation Group 8 to toggle them on and off.
-1x Arresting Hook (orange on the graph): An arresting hook used for carrier landings. Need I say more?

Actual Flight Manual

Flying the Rafale is easy. The hard part is takeoff and landing.
On takeoff, NEVER try to hard-pitch upwards, otherwise you will go into a death-spin and crash. Wait for it go lift off the ground by itself (believe me it won't take too long), and only then can you use Pitch.

As for landing, it will probably be best to to list rather than lecture;
-NEVER carry your wing payload during any landings, deploy them in combat or use Activation Group 3 to discharge them.
-Carrier landings are challenging if not impossible if you are going 200 MPH or higher. Unfortunately, though, the plane also fails to generate lift below 200 MPH, so don't fly too low when on approach.
-The Rafale has a high top speed, so when performing carrier landings, use the airbrakes far out, just stay high so you don't lose lift and stall into the sea.
-Don't hit your nose on the ground or you'll discover why it's called the "Burst of Fire."

So uh yeah, enjoy the Rafale, now have some cool storm pictures.

PEA Lore:

The Rafale was originally made to counter the Su-27, which had undisputed dominance in the PEAverse due to the F/A-18 being unable to counter it and the YF-23's energy bleed making defeating the Flanker almost impossible. Although many sacrifices were made to make it possible, the Rafale was eventually deemed capable of countering the Su-27.

Only issue being, by the time the Rafale was finished, the possible PEA War was already becoming a massive threat to the existence of all PEAs, so much so that their alleged "sworn enemies," the Defensive Opponents, offered help to fight against the enemy. So in more simple terms, the Rafale was built to defeat a threat that it would ultimately end up fighting alongside.

Also, random fun fact, we talk about croissants and baguettes a lot, but Rafale actually prefers macarons.


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 38.3ft (11.7m)
  • Length 54.1ft (16.5m)
  • Height 18.5ft (5.6m)
  • Empty Weight 23,242lbs (10,542kg)
  • Loaded Weight 50,223lbs (22,780kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.295
  • Wing Loading 100.4lbs/ft2 (490.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 500.1ft2 (46.5m2)
  • Drag Points 5563


  • Number of Parts 96
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 615