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Simple Mig

Dev AndrewGarrison  8.8 years ago

Just a simple jet inspired by the Mig 25 Foxbat. Getting the fuselage sections placed in the middle was very tricky and not possible without xml modding. I will be thinking about how this can be improved in a future update.

It's also quite a bit slower than the Mig 25. This one tops out at about 1,000mph, whereas the Mig 25 tops out at about 1,920 mph. Maybe those engines need to be more powerful? Maybe we need better supersonic drag simulation? Something else for us to think about.


General Characteristics

  • Successors 23 airplane(s) +375 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 46.6ft (14.2m)
  • Length 48.1ft (14.7m)
  • Height 15.3ft (4.7m)
  • Empty Weight 11,056lbs (5,014kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,697lbs (13,470kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.27
  • Wing Loading 51.7lbs/ft2 (252.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 574.5ft2 (53.4m2)
  • Drag Points 3608


  • Number of Parts 56
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 403
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    28.0k Graingy

    @SPsidearm Pardon?

    3 days ago
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    288 SPsidearm

    @Graingy that would be me

    3 days ago
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    28.0k Graingy

    Amazing how something like this would be child's play today due to all the builder improvements

    +2 6 months ago
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    34.0k Majakalona

    @ToeTips what update?
    I've already done a "kicking fish" and made the VR cockpit

    7 months ago
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    25.1k ToeTips

    The update on this MiG to be precise

    8 months ago
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    25.1k ToeTips

    Still waiting on that update. Hey! I could do it!

    8 months ago
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    Y O U A R E N O T S A F E

    11 months ago
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    Hi jundroo

    1.3 years ago
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    YOU... YO....Y O U A R E T H E B E S T

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    I understand the point you make, sorry for all of our SP Fanboy Rants. Best Wishes, @CDRxavier

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    ngl this is very good for the time it was made
    guessing back then it was harder to make a good looking aircraft

    +6 2.4 years ago
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    5,314 CDRxavier

    Yes, but obviously no improvements had taken place.
    Well, there are some slight improvements, but mostly just new parts with no changes to core game mechanics to either be more realistic or be more performant. To say we have a new aero engine would be a false statement.

    I'm writing this here because 6.3 years ago, the developer thought "hmm this does not seem right. Something is probably wrong here" and he gave suggestions such as "more powerful engines" and "more realistic drag/aero". However, during this 6.3 years, we do not have "more powerful engines" and we do not have "more realistic drag/aero". What we have is a bunch of new crap that doesn't work very well.

    However, to say that they didn't do anything would be a understatement. They released SimpleRockets 2, which sounds promising, however it's a separate app and it costs quite a handful

    +6 2.5 years ago
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    @CDRxavier This was when the Game was very early, Obviously there had been some improvements, Also how are you going to complain about it? It's like taking the first iPhone and saying it doesn't run well as a iPhone 13 Pro Max. Can you even Hear yourself?

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @CDRxavier This was when the Game was very early, Obviously there had been some improvements, Also how are you going to complain about it? It's like taking the first iPhone and saying it doesn't run well as a iPhone 13 Pro Max. Can you even Hear yourself?

    2.5 years ago
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    Dats a CHONK plane

    3.2 years ago
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    @CDRxavier Little Sheldon Moment

    3.2 years ago
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    5,314 CDRxavier

    As much as I would like to, I have studies to do. Otherwise I will probably be making a mod or some sort already.
    The changes I mentioned wouldn't even take half a year provided I am given the ability to work on it. It's just altering the simple mathematic functions that totals the thrust of the engines (effectively that).
    Although, according to my suggestions, we will be adding a function (that take per intake part) and calculate the amount of air going into it (and adding it up to the engine), but it's only one function. It's a small thing and isn't difficult.
    And hey we aren't even making it real. We are just making it less fake. It don't need to be even close to real. But it shall be closer than what we had right now.
    Instead of the current function (which I happened to somewhat reverse-engineer with my afterburning engines), we can just add tweaks (much like the functions I provide) and the game will be "better".
    They had already done the hard work of rendering and making everything work in 3D. The rest (especially part stats tweaking) is easy stuff.
    As easy as your XML modding, in fact.

    And look, we had non-exploding blocks here already, right?
    Just re-use the code. Or simply reduce the damage number. It don't even require changes in existing code (just a static value)

    I can understand things because I WROTE GAMES MYSELF. Even though they are very simple ones with 2D graphics they still feature calculations.
    And no, I didn't wrote them in python. I wrote them in C.

    Developers such as him should be more concerned about this than I do. I am merely pointing them out the flaws so they can consider improving those instead of scratching their head thinking about what next cool (and not-very-useful) part they add.

    I can just quit and turn to KSP (which I in fact already own), why can't I?
    I'm merely giving detailed suggestions here, since he thought the inability for the mig to hit 1920 mph is "something to think about".
    In fact, that's perhaps the only reason I posted this here.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    5,314 CDRxavier

    says a user that didn't even post anything genuinely theirs.
    Shhh, please. I'm just making my suggestions.
    Glad you helped. Unfortunately it doesn't help much.

    3.5 years ago
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    @BRRRT Your good

    3.5 years ago
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    @lilgreen06 Sorry but I don't want him replying, so I have to take his side, sorry man

    3.5 years ago
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    @BRRRT Chill out.

    3.5 years ago
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    @CDRxavier shut your mouth or will do nothing

    3.5 years ago
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    @lilgreen06 Shut up man he was only tryna make a point

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @CDRxavier I think your out to destroy SP. You point out all of these flaws. I would like to see you make an update and fix all of these things in 1 year. I bet you couldn't do it. You have no idea of how much work the devs have put into this game. Chill out, it's a video game, not real life. If you want a real life simulator you can go ask NASA for a $1 million simulator. Good luck coming up with that much money! Also, have fun with KSP. SP is my favorite game and is the only plane simulator (That I can find) that you get to build your own plane. Have fun with your KSP game, Good day.

    +2 3.5 years ago
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    5,314 CDRxavier

    Well, parts (if damaged sufficiently) explodes. This is true even to the legendary KSP.
    Although, the amount of damage a exploding part exerts (on other parts next to it) is utterly ridiculous. Yes I struck the tail of my plane during take off. Maybe I got one or two blocks scraped off, right?
    SP: Nope. You lost half of your plane. Because it explodes.

    I like the new glass fuselage because it don't explode violently. (dude, these are fuselage blocks, NOT solid fuel or some nitrogen-containing compound like TNT)

    +1 3.6 years ago
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