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[TGT] T3 S-18-class Torpedo Boat

52.8k Monarchii  4 months ago


Target Series!

it's.. a somewhat funny thing, a lot of things really but let's go one-by-one.

it's supposed to take me only a day(or two) but then i got distracted because i have the need to fix the accuracy issue of the rudder, that is also a long story but in short its basically...
experimenting with the inherently faulty code of the Elkan-class which the hilarious thing is that it's more accurate than the Elcos that has four torpedoes, anyway despite fwking it up, it worked on some magic luck because it outputs so much that it made it act like it's normal, that isnt the point however... the code i modified from Elkan has the Velocity parameters set to 22.361m/s.. remember that number.

okay, now to the second part, i use Para-chan for the rudders of my AI Target Ships, the important thing you need to know is that I've set it to predict and steer the craft as if it's a turret, basically to lead the Torpedoes which btw, is 161kmh or 44.722m/s... this is the problem. i treat the rudder as if it's a turret, so what is basically happening is it's overleading the torpedoes.. enter the 22.361m/s!! what is it? EXACTLY HALF OF 44.722M/S!! and this is the reason why Elkan is so accurate despite it's snazzy attitude, it's actually leading it correctly!
thus ends my rant about the rudder, moving in to the next thing...
i had wanted to make this a full ship also, that's why the fore is semi-paneled and such. i ditched the idea but i still want it to be pseudo ai-user so i was gonna sacrifice some performance for details but.. i ditched that also.
the next thing...

is I got le cold

i don't have any motivation nor enough willpower to continue the S-18 while I'm snazzing sneezing with my nose stuck on the ceiling for like up until now, so it got shelved for a bit, but after all that...
HERE SHE IS BAYBEEE!!! the first ever truly accurate AI-capable Torpedo Boat(excluding Elkan but eh, idk.), enjoy her pure accurate hehe hoohoo Torpedo aim.
oh, did i mention she'll turn around and flee after launching her torpedoes? heh.(i swear the accidental way of finding things out is weird because this is also a bug but one I decided to keep because it's useful... ish anyway, it's funny to see it swerve do swerve the do)

[ Build Specifications ]

  • Standard Hull A No.2 : 3p
  • Standard Engine : 2p
  • Standard Superstructure : 2p
  • Standard Detailing : 3p
  • Chasing Rudder + Fleeing System : 4p + 1p
  • Torpedo Tubes : 1p
  • AI-Deployed Torpedoes : 2p
  • 1x Prop Gun : 1p
  • A-IV-A System(3FA-1WA) : 3p + 2p

total : 24 development points
enjoyment : 9 out of 10
notes : I enjoy her quite a lot, pog schnellboot i tell you.

[ Controls ]

  • N/A
  • TargetSelected

[ Armaments ]

  • 2x 53.3cm(21in) Torpedo Tubes
  • 1x 20mm AA Gun

[ Notes ]

  • the warship behind the S-18 is mine. she's IJN Unebi, a fictional Commerce Raider/Heavy Cruiser(like the Deutschland-class) of the Japanese Navy, based on the manga "Kurogane Pukapuka Tai". her guns are the 2x 30cm/50 from the Dreadnought IJN Settsu

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General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 27.2ft (8.3m)
  • Length 126.8ft (38.6m)
  • Height 31.9ft (9.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 75,034lbs (34,035kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.314
  • Wing Loading 7.6lbs/ft2 (37.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 9,912.2ft2 (920.9m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 140
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 457
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    52.8k Monarchii


    Pinned 4 months ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @CaptainSquadronLeaderX no, is forgot!

    +1 4 months ago
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    7,268 HazeX

    @Monarchii still, skill issue

    4 months ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @CaptainSquadronLeaderX shut, I can do the forgor once in while Q~Q

    +1 4 months ago
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    7,268 HazeX

    @Monarchii Skill issue 💀

    4 months ago