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12.0k Ku  1.1 years ago


Funky Trees Air Defense Missile

A completely funky trees guided missile designed to hit air targets at medium range and any altitude. No part of the missile is guided using the in-game missile guidance system. It can do many things the in-game default missiles cannot do, the biggest of which is gliding and continuing to guide toward the target once fuel has run out.

AI Usage

  1. Download and spawn as Aggressive on any ground surface
  2. Fly within 50km/31mi of the missile and it will start tracking you
  3. The missile can be temporarily defeated using countermeasures, however, it will attempt to re-acquire lock of the player as long as there is still fuel on board

Player Usage

  1. Spawn in and simply acquire lock on any air target, press fire, and enjoy the fireworks

Stats and Features

Max speed: Mach 5+
Altitude range: <60,000 feet
Target lock range: 50km/31mi
Flight range: Under ideal conditions, approximately 50-70 km or 31-44 mi
G-load: 50G+
Guidance time: 100 seconds

  • Realistic flight path
  • Proximity detonation
  • Responds to countermeasures
  • Gliding after fuel is depleted

Dodging the Missile

  • Countermeasures will cause the rocket motor to operate at less than the maximum power and will also cause the missile to stop leading the target; it will still guide towards the target.
  • If the missile is less than 5 km away from the target or if all fuel is depleted, it will ignore all countermeasures.
  • The missile still has a slightly hard time tracking targets that are directly above the missile, however, it is more reliable at that than the previous version.

Improvements from the MK.2

  • Better lead calculation by fixing an error regarding the calculation in the amount of time the missile takes to hit the target
  • Massively reduced weight of the missile
  • Smaller and more efficient wings
  • Reduced drag, thus better glide performance
  • More reliable/consistent proximity detonation
  • Launch platform now points towards the selected target no matter what heading it initially is spawned in
  • Improved high-altitude performance
  • Improved range/burn time by regulating the rocket motor power without increasing fuel storage
  • Realistic response to countermeasures
  • Link to MK.2

How It Works

  • The flight computer is placed on board the missile so that it can collect data and make corrective commands
  • 3 PID functions control all of the control surfaces and direct them to where it wants the missile to go to hit a target
  • One PID function controls the roll of the missile. It simply keeps the missile level at all times
  • One PID function controls pitch, where it keeps the pitch angle of the missile towards a calculated angle based on the target elevation, how fast the target elevation is changing, the acceleration of the target elevation (essentially the kinematic equation), and the angle of attack. The calculated angle is also multiplied by a factor based on distance from the target and the altitude to help the missile lead the target
  • One PID function controls the yaw, there is keeps the missile pointed at a calculated heading based on the target's heading, the speed at which the target heading is changing, and the acceleration of the target heading (again a kinematic equation, spherical coordinates if you will), and the angle of slip. It is then again multiplied by a factor based on distance from the target and the altitude to lead the target

Known Problems

  • The faster and higher an entity travels in SimplePlanes, the laggier the game becomes, thus it may cause trouble for your device
  • Lagging may also cause the missile to miss its target
  • All previous reliability issues regarding the missile are mostly fixed


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 16.4ft (5.0m)
  • Length 16.4ft (5.0m)
  • Height 10.3ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight 159,324lbs (72,268kg)
  • Loaded Weight 159,659lbs (72,420kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.084
  • Wing Loading 3,955.4lbs/ft2 (19,312.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 40.4ft2 (3.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1214


  • Number of Parts 56
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 251