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"Flight Through Time: The Aircraft Evolution Challenge"

900 Khichi2866  one month ago

Title: Aircraft Evolution Challenge

Calling all aviation enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey through the evolution of aircraft design? From the pioneering days of early aviation to the cutting-edge technology of tomorrow, this challenge celebrates the rich history and innovation of flight.

Challenge Task:
Participants are invited to choose any era of aviation history as inspiration for their aircraft design. Whether you're drawn to the biplanes of World War 1, the sleek fighters of World War 2, or the futuristic concepts of 6th generation aircraft, the sky's the limit for creativity and imagination.

1. Design and build an aircraft using SimplePlanes, drawing inspiration from any era of aviation history.
2. Ensure that your aircraft is mobile-friendly and does not use any mods[including xml and overload] to maintain fairness and accessibility for all participants.
3. Creativity is encouraged! While historical accuracy is appreciated, feel free to add your own unique twists and modifications to your aircraft design.

Submission Guidelines:
- Upload your aircraft to the SimplePlanes website with the tag "[Challenge]" to enter it into the competition.
- Include a brief description of your aircraft, highlighting any historical references or innovative features you incorporated.
- Must be a successor of this post.

Participants have until [May 10, 2024] to submit their entries. Late submissions will not be accepted, so be sure to complete your aircraft before the deadline!

Every Entry Get 2 Upvotes For Free

Join us in celebrating the evolution of flight and showcasing your skills as an aircraft designer. From the past to the future, let your imagination take flight in this exciting challenge. Good luck, and may your creations soar to new heights!

The Winner is


Click Here


General Characteristics

  • Successors 6 airplane(s) +336 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Height 3.5ft (1.1m)
  • Empty Weight 136lbs (62kg)
  • Loaded Weight 136lbs (62kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 775


  • Number of Parts 2
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 8
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    Challenge Status: Ended

    Pinned 18 days ago
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    Congratulations, @Asli!

    Your aircraft "F3" has soared above the rest and emerged as the winner of the Aircraft Evolution Challenge! Your dedication, creativity, and attention to detail have truly paid off, showcasing not only your passion for aviation but also your exceptional skills as an aircraft designer.

    Your innovative design has captured the essence of the chosen era with finesse, demonstrating a perfect balance of historical inspiration and futuristic vision. The judges were impressed by the seamless integration of advanced aerodynamic principles, ensuring optimal performance and maneuverability.

    Your victory is a testament to your hard work and perseverance throughout the challenge. You have not only created a remarkable aircraft but also inspired fellow enthusiasts with your ingenuity and talent.

    On behalf of the entire aviation community, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, @Asli! May your success continue to soar to new heights, and may you always find joy and fulfillment in your passion for aircraft design.

    Well done!

    Pinned 18 days ago
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    For everyone mods are not allowed including xml and overload

    Pinned 29 days ago
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    A song for this Challenge Click Here

    Pinned one month ago
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    27.9k Graingy

    Chat GPT ass
    Not using overload is a killer. It's stock now, so accessibility isn't an issue. It's a must nowadays. Even the most simple craft, assuming the minimum of effort, will use it.

    +1 14 days ago
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    8,859 oldmate52

    thanks for the the challenge

    +1 17 days ago
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    +1 17 days ago
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    @Khichi2866 oh thanks :D first challenge
    not glorious but......who cares

    +1 17 days ago
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    Dear Participants,

    As the Aircraft Evolution Challenge draws to a close, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication throughout this journey. Your contributions have made this challenge a truly remarkable exploration of aviation history and innovation.

    While the current challenge may be over, I'm excited to announce that this is just the beginning of our adventures together. Stay tuned for future challenges that will continue to inspire and push the boundaries of aircraft design. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of aviation, there will be opportunities for everyone to showcase their skills and passion.

    In the meantime, I encourage you to keep honing your craft, exploring new ideas, and pushing the limits of what is possible in aircraft design. Your creativity and innovation are what make these challenges truly special, and I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next.

    Once again, thank you all for your participation in the Aircraft Evolution Challenge. Keep your eyes on the horizon, because the next challenge is just around the corner!

    +1 18 days ago
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    To all Participants,

    @rorrE @Boeing727200F

    I want to extend a sincere thank you to each and every one of you who participated in the Aircraft Evolution Challenge. Your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication have made this challenge an incredible journey through the skies of aviation history.

    To those whose entries were accepted but did not clinch the victory, your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Your commitment to the challenge, adherence to guidelines, and willingness to push the boundaries of aircraft design have been commendable. Though you may not have won this time, your efforts have added richness and diversity to the competition.

    To those whose entries were not accepted, I want to express my appreciation for your participation. While it's disappointing to face rejection, it's also an opportunity for growth and improvement. Your passion for aviation and willingness to take on the challenge speak volumes about your dedication and talent. Take the feedback provided constructively, refine your designs, and continue to pursue your passion with vigor.

    Together, you have all contributed to the celebration of flight and the exploration of aircraft evolution. Your participation has enriched the community and inspired others to reach for new heights in aircraft design.

    Thank you once again for your participation, and I look forward to seeing your continued innovation and creativity in future challenges.

    +1 18 days ago
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    To all Participants,

    *@SuperSuperTheSylph @Shebke @oldmate52 *

    I want to extend a sincere thank you to each and every one of you who participated in the Aircraft Evolution Challenge. Your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication have made this challenge an incredible journey through the skies of aviation history.

    To those whose entries were accepted but did not clinch the victory, your contributions have not gone unnoticed. Your commitment to the challenge, adherence to guidelines, and willingness to push the boundaries of aircraft design have been commendable. Though you may not have won this time, your efforts have added richness and diversity to the competition.

    To those whose entries were not accepted, I want to express my appreciation for your participation. While it's disappointing to face rejection, it's also an opportunity for growth and improvement. Your passion for aviation and willingness to take on the challenge speak volumes about your dedication and talent. Take the feedback provided constructively, refine your designs, and continue to pursue your passion with vigor.

    Together, you have all contributed to the celebration of flight and the exploration of aircraft evolution. Your participation has enriched the community and inspired others to reach for new heights in aircraft design.

    Thank you once again for your participation, and I look forward to seeing your continued innovation and creativity in future challenges.

    +2 18 days ago
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    1,036 ADIQ

    @Khichi2866 what about the fine tunner?

    +2 21 days ago
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    15 rorrE

    who is the winner?

    +2 21 days ago
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    Thank you for your response and for sharing your thoughts on the F-15J Kai++ project. I understand your interest in using XML and overload for this initiative, and I appreciate the innovative approach you are considering.

    However, as much as I recognize the potential benefits of your proposal, I must remind us all that we need to adhere to the established guidelines that do not currently allow for XML and overload in this context. Rules are in place to ensure consistency, fairness, and manageability across our projects.

    +1 27 days ago
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    @Khichi2866 I would have a reason to join this if xml and overload were allowed, I've been considering remaking the F-15J Kai++

    +1 27 days ago
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    Completely fair

    +1 28 days ago
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    @Wolfy26 yes that's great

    +1 28 days ago
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    2,275 Wolfy26

    Hmmm... Alright im interested in building a plane but only if I can create my own planes without having it to be realistic

    +1 28 days ago
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    @DogedogebreadWithAnAK47 to make it simple

    +1 28 days ago
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    just a question, why no xml and overload?

    +1 29 days ago
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    @DatFiat126Guy19 ok

    +1 29 days ago
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    @Khichi2866 i understand, i just wanted to ask you if you're new here or if you've been here for years, because you seemed to know about markdown formatting very well, and no, im not "judging the book by it's cover", im just asking you to not tag me on one of your posts since i've never asked for it.

    +1 29 days ago
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    Hey there,

    I totally understand where you're coming from, and I apologize for tagging you unnecessarily. It won't happen again, I promise.

    You mentioned whether I'm new here or if I've been at this for years. Well, here's the thing: it's not about experience alone, it's about passion. You see, just because someone is new to something doesn't mean they lack dedication or fervor for it. And conversely, someone with years of experience might have lost the spark that initially ignited their passion.

    So, let's not judge a book by its cover. Whether we're rookies or veterans in a game, what truly matters is the love and enthusiasm we bring to it. Let's embrace that passion, encourage each other, and foster a community where everyone's dedication is valued.

    Once again, I'm sorry for the unnecessary tag, and I appreciate your understanding.


    +1 29 days ago
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    @Khichi2866 please do not tag me ever again for no reason, or i'll block you permanently, also, are you new here or... have you played this game for years?

    +1 29 days ago
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    @oldmate52 You are in the challenge. you can bring more planes here if you want.

    +1 one month ago
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