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Phoenix Industries AF-05 "Razorwing"

14.0k Griffon1  3.0 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Griffon1's Phoenix Industries Project 8123-02

With the onset of a global war in the 23rd century, The use of Chroniton Radiation weapons set the earth ablaze.
Chroniton weapons have strange properties; They, on rare occasions, would displace a target through time. Although this side effect is unknown to humanity in the 23rd century, the target would appear to be disintegrated, thus perpetuating it's use.
In roughly 2265, a fleet of bombers bombed a facility full of AF-05s using the aforementioned chroniton weapons. This sent at least one example back in time to the 21st century, happening to fall into Accilian airspace.
While initially appearing as a small meteorite, investigation of the crash site revealed that it was actually the remains of a fighter aircraft.
Phoenix Industries salvaged the craft, and attempted to the best of their ability to recreate the aircraft. This resulted in the creation of Project 8117, a leap forward in Accilia's aircraft technology.
The aircraft came in two models, -01, which was slower but more maneuverable, and -02, which was faster but less agile. Project 8117 was later reworked into an attacker, being redesignated as an "advanced fighter" (AF). It was designated AF-01, and almost all agility was taken away for the sake of durability and weapons load.
However, the Accilan government needed something better. It contracted Phoenix Industries to design a successor. The new design kept similar design queues from Project 8117, but drastically increased the missile capacity, as well as introducing a new form of autocannon, the Model 014 Revolver Cannon.
Internally known as Project 8123, It possessed good maneuverability and speed. It was swiftly ordered into Accilian service shortly after. The pilot's nicknamed the aircraft "Razorwing" for it's sharp angles and points.
The aircraft gave an exemplary service record, but even the mighty AF-05 was not immune to the test of time. When 8th generation jets began to roll off the assembly line, the decision was made to put large quantities of the planes into storage in large facilities, in case of the desperate event they were needed again.
Around 2265, many of these aircraft were lost in a bombing of said facilities, although the government of Accilia, now the Accilan Star Republic, gave it little attention, as the aircraft were way past their prime.


The aircraft features an extremely advanced reverse-engineered Ion-Plasma AVPE-036 engines, which gives a high output and increased performance at higher altitudes.


The AF-05 is somewhat lacking in the agility department, but due to the limits in technology at the time, the true potency of the aircraft could not be realized for decades.


The armament of the AF-05 was intended to allow maximum combat time, thus it carries a large amount of missiles, including 4 MSLs, 4 4AAMs, and four aditional MSLs, labeled as MSTM.

The cannon on this aircraft, the Model 014 revolver cannon, became the standard after the AF-05's predecessor, Project 8123 came out. This was due to, in part, the ability to carry explosive rounds, and it's blistering 9000 RPM fire rate.
The AF-05 is also equipped with the Radial Burst Missile pod, which carries 24 micro-missiles in a pod stored under-wing. These missiles, when launched, arc outward from the launching aircraft, and then turn toward their target. Because of this launch method, this weapon can be fired from every angle. The cost to this is that the target data needs to be uploaded to every missile in the pod, which results in a long lock-on time.


The AF-05's internal components are quite complex, as they were designed to mimic the wreck of the unknown aircraft. This results in high operation costs and a reputation to be a mechanic's nightmare.


The AF-05 is being sold exclusively to the Accilian Air force. The price is classified.

Creator's Notes
- Since I couldn't really put the tailcode on the horizontal tail surfaces, I put it on the fuselage instead.
- I have been experimenting with different camouflage schemes behind the scenes for a while now, but this is the first post of mine to have an actual camouflage on the base model.
- The mislabeled LAAM is now labeled as a more similar weapon, 4AAM
- I feel kinda bad stealing the XFA-27's thunder with the MSTMs...
- I fixed the maneuverability a bit, so it's not as bad as it was before.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Phoenix Industries Project 8123-02
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 32.5ft (9.9m)
  • Length 56.1ft (17.1m)
  • Height 9.2ft (2.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 20,472lbs (9,286kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.634
  • Wing Loading 58.9lbs/ft2 (287.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 347.8ft2 (32.3m2)
  • Drag Points 1116


  • Number of Parts 490
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,012
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    14.0k Griffon1

    @ShinyGemsBro true

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    14.0k Griffon1

    Kinda sad this only got 2 upvotes. Ah well it's not a big deal.

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    14.0k Griffon1

    On behalf of the Republic of Accilia, we do wish to receive the aircraft, but feel free to do whatever research is nessesary before delivery.

    +1 3.0 years ago